Understanding the Essence of Riya Skin Care

Your Questions, Answered

Navigating the world of organic skincare can be filled with queries. At Riya Skin Care, we're dedicated to transparency. Here, we address some of the most common questions about our products and practices to ensure you're well-informed at every step of your skincare journey.

Natural Hues in Our Products

Wondering about the unique colors of our range? The shades stem from the natural hues of our unrefined ingredients. No added pigments—just nature in its purest form.

The Choice of Unrefined Ingredients

Our commitment to unrefined ingredients ensures maximum nutrient retention for your skin. Refining often diminishes the very nutrients we cherish, and we believe your skin deserves the best.

Shipping and Return Policies Explained

We ship from Monday to Wednesday to prioritize the integrity of our cosmetics. Our 30-day return policy aligns with the skin cell turnover rate, allowing you adequate time to experience the full benefits of Riya's products.


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